Advance Written Comments for Buffalo County Board of Adjustments Meeting

March 8, 2012  8am – 3 pm
by Katherine Wood Goodman

Agenda Item:  No Published Agenda As Of February 17, 2012 When Comments Are Due To The Buffalo County Board Of Adjustment

R & J Rolling Hills/Bloom Conditional Use Permit Application

1) Should the haul route for the R & J Rolling Hills conditional use permit application for frac sand mining be changed from State Highway 88 South to State Highway 35, it is requested that this application be tabled until appropriate notice and opportunity for public comment can be provided to communities impacted by a revised proposed haul route.

2) It is requested that the R & J Rollings Hills conditional use permit application be tabled for revision and that the owner be directed to submit two separate conditional use permit applications to include:

  • A conditional use permit application for frac sand mining at the location under discussion for a period not to exceed 5 years.
  • A conditional use permit application for a frac sand washing operation.  Owner has indicated verbally and in writing that the intent is for this operation to continue beyond the frac sand mining phase and to provide frac sand washing to other mines.  The implications are different than those for a frac sand mine and should be considered and approved separately.

The submitted conditional use permit application does not contain enough information about the sand wash operation for the Board of Adjustment to make a decision in the best interest of the public of Buffalo County.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Katherine Wood Goodman
331 S Main Street
Alma, Wisconsin  54610

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