Dear Board Members,
I would like to take a moment and voice my opinion on the Frac sand mine(s) that are being approved in Buffalo County, especially along the HW 88 route.
I (and my family) object to the mines. Issues of concern are:
- Travel safety along HW 88:these trucks are big, extremely heavy and since they are on a timeline will probably travel at a fast speed, and 88 is full of turns. Trucks passing each other may be an issue, accidents will occur…not just with the trucks, but with tractors, school buses or family vehicles.
- Junction of HWY 88 and 35; that amount of trucks always trying to enter into 35 will cause issues, and this is right by our school. Which means our children are at a higher risk of colliding with one of the sand trucks.
- The infringement on property rights affected by the truck traffic:
o Noise pollution
o Light pollution
o Peace and tranquility
o Safety to live near the road
o Water quality - Decline in property value
- Quality of life and new health risks with this sand, trucks/air pollution/noise pollution
- Wear and tear on our roads and who will pay to fix? That means more taxes paid out of the community to cover expenses that never should have happened.
- The proposal for a rail spur/ hub/processing /loading/ storage on Hwy 35 and Kamrowski Rd is an abomination and impacts all that is listed above (previous email attached below on this subject).
In conclusion. we are asking for the denial of any conditional use permits for Non Metalic Mining by R & J Rolling Acres, or any other name or association the mining company may use. Denial of any and all permits pertaining to Frac Sand Mining in Buffalo County, as well as denial for permits for a rail siding, storage, processing or loading facility on State Hwy 35/Kamrowski Road.
Respectfully submitted,
Les and Sharon Kamrowski
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