A Win/Win Vote for the Town of Dover

A Win/Win Vote for the Town of Dover


On  February 19, the Town of Dover Board once again asserted its determination to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens, and also its willingness to retain local control of local issues.

The Dover Town Board, by a 2-0 vote, passed a non-metallic mining licensing ordinance, an ordinance that empowers the town to approve or to deny an operating license to any prospective industrial-size non-metallic mining project.  The ordinance does not prohibit non-metallic mining, but it does give to the township “ yes or no” control of any such project. One town board member did not attend the meeting.

The township has been enjoying years of sustained, steady growth as a mixed farming, residential, and recreational community.   As dairy farming has waned in importance, many of the township’s  long-established landowners have adapted to changing economic conditions by dividing larger acreages into smaller, more affordable, home site parcels, as well as by selling sell “forties” or “eighties” to provide access to world- famous Buffalo County deer hunting. This gradual shift in land ownership and land use patterns has worked out to the benefit of all parties concerned–traditional families, newer residents, and hunters.  However, the whole symbiotic relationship has been threatened in recent months by an attempt  to site a huge, 400 acre sand strip mine and wash plant right in the most populous section of the township.

Congratulations to the Dover Town Board! It has spoken loudly and clearly; Town of Dover will both protect its citizens and will keep the Lookout area as premium home-building real estate location—the Town of Dover will control its own future!


Submitted by:

Tim Zeglin

W29086 State Road 121

Independence, WI 54747

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