County Public Health department study recommends monitoring and an extension of the moratorium

Here is a link to the full report on the Public Health web site:

Here is a link to the Public Health resource page on Silica “Frac” Sand Mining

Here is the summary of the Public Health report that was just released:

Public Health Response and Recommendations – Non-Metallic Mining Resolution

Overall Summary Statement

As part of the moratorium, public health was tasked with studying the potential health effects of silica “frac” sand mining, especially as it related to air and ground water quality.  Studying health effects of an environmental substance is a long-term process.  In the time allowed by the moratorium, the public health team searched for and read credible sources of information (articles, websites, etc.) and spoke with many experts.  Below you will find our current recommendations, which are the result of the studies conducted thus far.  this topic is very new and we expect that new research and data will be coming in the next months to years that will help us better understand the potential health effects, thereby allowing us to develop better ways to protect the health and safety of the public.


1. Incorporate into the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) a requirement for a site-specific ambient air quality monitoring plan similar to Scott county, MN (Exhibit II-b), or built off of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) recommendations for air quality monitoring plus WDNR or National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) fugitive dust control recommendation.  This requirement should also include the following:

a.  Monitoring for 1 month prior to onset of operation to obtain baseline data

b.  Monitors that capture PM 2.5

2.  Incorporate into the CUP a requirement for a “review committee” to periodically review the CUP, allowing for information gained through studies such as those to be conducted in Chippewa and/or LaCrosse County or the release of new standards such as those from the EPA to be considered for incorporation into the existing CUP for the purpose of adequately potecting health and safety (Exhibit II-a and II-c).

3.  Maintain the requirement for baseline and continuous water monitoring on residence wells that currently exists as a condition in the CUP.

4.  Extend moratorium as more time is needed to:

a.  Incorporate new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) into air quality monitoring plans (AQMP) (final rule Dec 2012)

b.  Allow more time to collect baseline, pre-operational air quality monitoring data and set best practices and protocols for air quality monitoring.

c.  Incorporate findings from or participate in other studies concerning health impacts of silica “frac” sand mining in Western Wisconsin (potentially Chippewa county and LaCrosse County) or measuring of PM4 (Chippewa County)

d.  Coordinate getting community, industry, government and academia together.

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